What can you do best. To increase your health, for smokers that is bycicling..


Your condition or strength or endurance is your health. Better therefor to sport. When smoking your lungs are being poluted by smoke, there is no damage i think, only the smoke causes polution in the lungs.. This can be washed out by natural processes of the body creating slime in lungs that solve the poluted parts of the lungs. If you smoked a long time and your lungs get not enough air anymore then listen good, if you start fast byciciling, short parts drive fast untill your tired then slow down and rest, untill you rested enough and then again drive fast untill your tired.. This sporting kinda activity of driving bycicle fast causes the lungs to open, you can save your lungs with bycicling fast and still be a smoker.


Open your veins


Open your veins as well by the fast bycicling.. Im a speed user by occasions and i think speed widens the veins. From speed you become smarter and stronger and that might has to do with opening the veins. Opening the veins in the brain may cause the brain to function better, cuz there is been brought more oxygen by the blood cuz the veins are more open. Opening the veins by bycicling fast, in the brain, organs and skin causes the same effect, wider veins, so more oxygen everywhere. Open veins are important. Make em wide.What i noticed at bycicle professionals that reached old age is that they have few wrinkles in face, they have young faces. Thats what bycicling does, it opens em small veins in face as well. Bycicling will open veins more then running, cuz the pressure on your body and legs is bigger then when running, it shall open veins more while when running.


Drink Water.. .


Drink water alot, make it circle through your body and sweat it out again and so the water that you drunk has done a complete circulation.. Before there was cola and orange lemonade, there was only milk, fruitjuice and water. Before milk there was only fruitjuice and water. Water is far the best liquid. It goes another way through the body and i think thats why drinking salt water is so bad. If you drink much water in short time then the brain will swell and you can die from and that is the proof that water goes a strange way, almost directly to the brain. The fact that we can sweat must let us understand that we must sweat, to circulate the water through our body. Thats how the skin remains young cuz the water and moist also remain in the skin, all water that just isnt sweat out remains in the skin keeping the skin young and hydrated. So sporting and drinking water are vital to a young skin. And drink water pure, not mixed in a syrup for example cuz then the water has less power in it, drink it pure, before you wanna drink syrup or lemonade orso, one glass pure water before drinking something else and drink enough water per day. Water is a healing and cleaning means of the human body.. Science says that we are 70% water and also, before life began on earth there were only oceans and rocks. From what life can start best is from the water and therefor water is very important to drink enough..


Bread is healthy.. .


Bread is very good foodsource. Dont believe science, rather believe the church on food.. Bread is given in the church saying its the body of christ.. Wine is given as well, i think both have very good impact on the body. Bread as building bricks and wine maybe as a cleaner from the veins. But that the church uses these 2, bread and wine, thats something remarkeble and should be seen as no coincidence.


Also, for a better health choose heavy work. heavy work is far better then office work.. Stronger, fitter, lives longer..


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